contact us


Our Address

2600 Sunnyside Ave S, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, United States

Operating Days And Hours

Monday’s – Saturday’s

8am – 9pm

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

    We take care of  the shipping arrangements. All you have to do is pick up your baby otter at your doorstep (Door To Door Delivery) on the same day within 3 to 5 hrs or more depending on your location. Very simple and very Safe! We only ship through the airlines!

    Since we have 100% control over the pup’s environment at our store but have no control over the pup once it leaves, we can only guarantee the pup for the first ten days. We guarantee that when the pup leaves the store that it has been properly socialized and that it is 100% healthy. Your new pup has been given an excellent start here, and it is now your responsibility to properly care for your pup. We are always here to help you take the best care of your pup with the biggest variety and best quality pup products available in the world.

    You will be sent tracking information once your order is shipped

    We have the strongest PUP’S guarantee in the country, and more importantly, we stand behind our guarantee. The guarantee is simple: We guarantee that we are selling you a perfectly healthy PUP. To verify that guarantee, within five days you need to go to an Avian Vet and get any testing you prefer to do on your PUP, at your expense. We can guide you as to the tests we suggest. If the results are not perfect but the pup can be easily treated, then we pay for all medications and all treatment. If the results are unacceptable then we either replace your pup or refund 100% of the purchase price of your pup, at our option.

    We will coordinate flight times with our customer a few days in advance before the pup is being shipped (weather permitting). The customer is supplied with the air waybill number, and flight arrival time before departure.